Aims of The Club

Swim, Survive, Save. Barbarians is a non-competitive club, but a spirit of attainment and achievement is encouraged. We teach a full programme of not only swimming but water survival, watermanship skills, diving and life-saving. 

We want all of our members to be able to look after themselves in the event of an emergency.


Age Limits and Accessibility

Our members range from 5 to 16 years

All children are welcome. We do ask that parents/carers inform us of any disabilities that may impact children in the lessons. This information is purely for the safety of your child/children and is kept in the strictest of confidence. 



Sessions are on a Friday, at 6.05pm, 6.30pm, 6.55pm and 7.20pm. Each member is given a coloured band to indicate their group.

Each group works towards a badge, these can be found in the Members area, this can include stroke work, water confidence, life saving, diving, stamina and much more.


Running The Club

Barbarians is run by a committee that is elected every year, this consists of teachers, parents, guardians and students who have the welfare of the club at heart.

All teachers and officers are volunteers, many of whom have learnt to swim through the club.


All teachers have up to date qualifications as well as DBS checks. Each teacher wears a different coloured t-shirt depending on the qualification that they hold. 


White shirt - Barbarian students who have had training within the club, they teach under supervision of a qualified teacher, in the water with our beginner swimmers.

Yellow shirt - Swimming Teachers Association Student Teachers Award

Green shirt - Swimming Teachers Award and NaRS(PH)

Red shirt - Swimming Teachers Certificate (full) and NaRS(PH)

Purple shirt - Higher Teachers Certificate, STC (full) and NaRS(PH)


We also have admin staff and helpers who wear Green polo shirts, they are happy to talk to members if teachers and committee members are teaching.


If you are interested in becoming one of our teachers or admin staff then please speak to a member of the committee. 

Swimmers Details Form

If you are joining our Club or your details have changed then please ensure you complete the swimmers details form by clicking on the button below

**Note: This is not the waiting list**

When is my test?

Find out when your test is by downloading the test dates document below!

Test Dates Jan - June 2025
Testing Rota Jan -Jun 2025.pdf
Adobe Acrobat document [86.6 KB]

Latest Club Newsletter

Download the latest Barbarian Swimmer's Newsletter

December 2024 Newsletter.pdf
Adobe Acrobat document [186.3 KB]

Would you like to get involved...?

If you would like to get involved with helping the Club then please let us know!

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© Barbarian Swimmers. All Rights Reserved. Registered Charity No. 1117320