Q – Is Barbarian’s a Voluntary Organisation and a Charity?
A – Yes, all Staff and Teachers at the Club are Voluntary and the Club is a registered Charity with the Charities Commission. Our unique Charity Number is 1117320.
Q – Does Barbarian’s have a waiting list and how do I go about adding my Children to it?
A– Yes the Club has a waiting list. The waiting list opens twice a year on the first Friday of the month in April and September.
Q – Can I become a Swimming Teacher with the Club?
A – Yes, please contact us or speak to a member of the committee.
Q – Can I be tested for my Cub / Scout badges?
A – Yes, on the first Friday of each month. Please speak to a committee member in advance to arrange this.
Q – I want to help with the running of the Club but would rather not teach - is there a job for me?
A – Yes there are many jobs that need to be done and any help is always appreciated - contact us